Sunday, January 22, 2006

Pool party...

Not much happening in Sydney since I returned from Queensland. I had to come back early (so Thursday instead of Sunday) for the AWARD school Open Day (an advertising course that I am HOPING to get into, though it's nigh on impossible!) but that finished earlier than expected. This gave me the opportunity to head over the Eastern Members party; quite a sight! Free alcohol and food meant that the place was heaving, though the usual demographic of 17 year old girls was thinner than usual. I did still hear a guy ask a girl in the bathroom queue where she worked, to hear the reply of 'oh, I'm studying..'. Quick to jump in, he asks 'what'? She flatly states 'the HSC'... oh, the antics of the Eastern.
Place DIED after the free alcohol ended (literally quartering in about 10 mins) and so we decided to hit the Cross. Ended up in Hugo's, comparing sleazy stories (though one, who will remain nameless, had slightly more intense stories than the rest.

Saturday was trying to be a quiet one, but ended up heading over the Alec's for a couple of beverages. Then got a message that Strace was starting his residency at Le Panic and that we should all bask in his glory. Ended up at the Cross til 3, and the highlight was Shivs' favourite kebab man moving next to Empire. "Hey Sexy-Boy", yelled from across the street, followed by a hug and kebabs for all.

Yesterday was the pool party, with a few people sinking a few beverages. Good times were had by MOST, though I think JD is a little miffed at his missed effort. Sank WAY too many beers, jammed some awesome tunes, enjoyed the 33 degrees pool and generally had fun. Will try to include photos...

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