Thursday, March 16, 2006

Post-law drinks...

Yesterday was a little above the ordinary so I thought that I should actually put the blog to work and document something. Pounded through 5 hours of Uni, including 2 hours of surrealist Spanish cinema (which completely did my head in) and coming to the opinion (again!) that I hate first years.
However, I had to jump out of class early to rush to the Conservatorium to hear Condolezza Rice speak to university students from all over Sydney. That was a little interesting, seeing as all the other people I was there with had come from work and were wearing suits, and I was chilling in patchy jeans and a t-shirt. Secret Service were certainly giving me an eye-balling to make sure I wasn't a 'Socialist Alliance' plant, ready to disrupt proceedings! (luckily for me, they were sitting elsewhere and were promptly removed upon cheering 'The blood of Iraqi children is on your hands').
From City to Bondi Junction for lunch with JD and Hels, then home and rushing to get ready (so I forgot my camera!) to meet Bradders at the White Horse for hourly priced cocktails (i.e. $4 at 4pm, $5 at 5pm...) That left us a little worse for wear and so he headed home and I trudged down to the law party in the rocks. By the time I'd got there (and left and come back to buy Jess some smokes!) the party was raging. Chilled out with a number of people that I hadn't seen in ages and turned into a great night. Fair few beers later, all chilled by about 1.30 and we headed home.
NOW, the real problem arose when I got out the front of my house to find that I didn't have my keys. Ok, so I decided I would climb the wall, no dramas. I took off my boots because they're not at all conducive to climbing. That necessitated removing my jeans as well, so I didn't rip them. I was a little drunk, and considering that I didn't have any pants, I thought I would ditch the shirt as well. As I was climbing over the wall, who would drive past but.... the police; on routine patrol. A very short conversation with Will in his underpants presenting his ID and trying to explain that he lived here was followed by me scampering up the stairs.
At the moment, we have 4 Canadian billets staying with us from a rugby tour James is dealing with. As I get into my room (having sneaked around the outside of the house to make sure that I don't wake them) I find one has sleptwalked his way into one of the chairs in front of my TV. Very very strange.

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